- The guard rebounded off the backboard.
后卫抢到篮板弹回的球。 - A defender also can not touch a shot after it has hit the backboard and is going towards the rim, even if it is going up.
The Backboard Wiring Problem: A Placement Algorithm
Backboard versus mattress splint immobilization: A comparison of symptoms generated
Spinal immobilization on a flat backboard: does it result in neutral position of the cervical spine?
Comparison of a vacuum splint device to a rigid backboard for spinal immobilization.
Increasing compression depth during manikin CPR using a simple backboard
The impact of backboard size and orientation on sternum-to-spine compression depth and compression stiffness in a manikin study of C...
Focusing-grating-coupler arrays for uniform and efficient signal distribution in a backboard optical interconnect
The impact of compliant surfaces on in-hospital chest compressions: effects of common mattresses and a backboard.
Emergency transport and positioning of young children who have an injury of the cervical spine. The standard backboard may be hazard...