Reckless Driving
Reckless DRIVING
Reckless Driving
Virginia State Crime Commission
Reckless Driving Defenses
The impact of mortality salience on reckless driving: a test of terror management mechanisms.
Reckless driving in adolescence: 'state' and 'trait' factors
Does a threat appeal moderate reckless driving? A terror management theory perspective.
A multi-factorial framework for understanding reckless driving—appraisal indicators and perceived environmental determinants ☆
A longitudinal study of risk-glorifying video games and reckless driving.
The effects of positive emotion priming on self-reported reckless driving
The thrill of reckless driving in patients with Parkinson's disease: An additional behavioural phenomenon in dopamine dysregulation ...
The power of a hurricane: An example of reckless driving on the information superhighway