New rediffusion simulator to reduce production time, customer costs
On The Authority of Olympic TV Rediffusion
Rediffusion of nitrous oxide prevents increases in endotracheal tube cuff pressure
[The rediffusion system. Limitation of nitrous oxide increases the cuff pressure of endotracheal tubes]
Régime transitoire rediffusion ou de conduction dans un fluide non newtonien en écoulement laminaire permanent
An Experimental Research on the Determinants of Rediffusion Intention of Online Word-of-Mouth
Crossoads (Fevrier 2017) - chaque mercredi de 18h à20h - rediffusion: samedis de 22h à min
Buried ion‐exchanged optical waveguides with refractive index profiles controlled by rediffusion
[Evaluation of a pressure and volume-relief instrument (modified Brandt's rediffusion system) to prevent increase in endotracheal tu...