reflecting mirror反射镜
reflecting surface反射表面
reflecting pool倒影池
reflecting telescope n. 反射式望远镜
reflecting film反射膜
reflecting layer反射层
- The reflecting sunshine make people swimmy.
反射的太阳光令人目眩. - The central zone is sputtered with a reflecting coating.
中央区涂复了一层反射膜。 - Isaac Newton invented the reflecting telescope in 1668.
Non-reflecting boundary conditions
Force reflecting haptic interface
The Reflecting Team: Dialogue and Meta-Dialogue in Clinical Work †
Reflecting on the ethics of researching communication in superdiverse contexts
Human cerebellar activity reflecting an acquired internal model of anew tool
Reflecting upon feelings: an fMRI study of neural systems supporting the attribution of emotion to self and other.
Laser Interferometer for Measuring High Velocities of Any Reflecting Surface
Laser frequency stabilization by polarization spectroscopy of a reflecting reference cavity ☆
CONSTRUCTION OF ELLIPTIC DIFFUSIONS WITH REFLECTING BOUNDARY CONDITION AND AN APPLICATION TO CONTINUOUS NT follicular helper cells express a distinctive transcriptional profile, reflecting their role as non-Th1/Th2 effector cells that pr...