conditioned reflex条件反射
light reflex光反射,对光反射
reflex arc[医]反射弧
baroreceptor reflex压力感受性反射,压力感受拼射
reflex reflector反射器,回复反射器
blink reflex[医]瞬目反射
reflex action反射动作;反射作用
gag reflex咽反射;呕反射
- Sorry I hit you; it was a pure reflex.
对不起我撞著你了; 这完全是无意的。 - It's just a dog's reflex movement.
Cartridge with reflexed burstable diaphragmPreflexed beam bridges long-term property analysis theory and its applicationAnalytical theory and test study of longterm properties for the preflexed beamApplication of Preflexed Composite Beams to Continuous BridgesAbout the turbulent scale dependent response of reflexed airfoilsNacelle integration with reflexed wing for sonic boom reductionOn the control of germ cell development in Caenorhabditis elegans.Studies of plant and soil nematodes. 1. Two new species from Queensland.Taxonomy of Haplopappus sect. Gymnocoma (Compositae).POLLINATOR PREFERENCES FOR YELLOW, ORANGE, AND RED FLOWERS OF MIMULUS VERBENACEUS AND M. CARDINALIS