Argentine government is taking steps to regulate and oversee airline advertising after a fare war was stirred by new-entrant LAN Arg...
Right to Regulate: Amid Claims the Federal Government Should Oversee Insurance Companies, State Lawmakers Say Consumers Are Better o...
Evaluating the Science and Ethics of Research on Humans: A Guide for IRB MembersEvaluating the Science and Ethics of Research on Hum...
Who Governs Finance? The Shifting Public–Private Divide in the Regulation of Derivatives, Rating Agencies and Hedge Funds
Challenges in Choosing the Mix of Public and Private Standards for Food Quality Assurance
Can the Pentagon be run like a business? A more concerted effort is needed to reduce wasteful spending and correct poor management p...
Religion and Politics in Angola: The American Board Missions and the Portuguese Government, 1880-1922
For Whom the Statute Tolls: American Pipe Tolling and Statutes of Repose in Securities Fraud Class Actions
The Development of a Methodology for Innovation Management at Utilities Companies at Brazilian Electricity Distribution Sector
Brazilian President Calls For New International Mechanism to Oversee Internet and Prevent Surveillance