relieve oneself v. 大小便
relieve stress减压,缓解压力
relieve from从…中解除,减轻
relieve of解除;消除;减轻…之…
- She looked immensely relieved when she heard the news.
她一听到这个消息似乎立刻放心了。 - They exchanged relieved glances.
他们如释重负地彼此看了看。 - She had a relieved look on her face.
- The thief relieved him of his wallet.
那小偷把他的钱包偷走了。 - The general was relieved of his command.
将军被解除了指挥权。 - He was relieved of his post because of his carelessness.
Guanosine tetraphosphate inhibition of fatty acid and phospholipid synthesis in Escherichia coli is relieved by overexpression of gl...
Capacity of the clinical picture to characterize low back pain relieved by facet joint anesthesia. Proposed criteria to identify pat...
Autoinhibition of casein kinase I epsilon (CKI epsilon) is relieved by protein phosphatases and limited proteolysis.
Inhibition of HIV-1 progeny virion release by cell-surface CD4 is relieved by expression of the viral Nef protein.
Tethering of HP1 proteins to chromatin is relieved by phosphoacetylation of histone H3
Jason Kidd's Relieved Reaction To The Nets' Win Was Priceless
Prevalence of psychosis in epilepsy as a function of the laterality of the epileptogenic lesion.
Surgical instrument
Surgical instrument
Suture anchor installation tool