- He is currently being held on remand.
他正被还押候审。 - They have signed an appeal for the reform of the remand system.
- He is remanded on his own recognizance of $4,000.
在保证付款4,000美元后他被还押(以后再出庭)。 - I am avoided breath overdraw consumed 60000 yuan, did not remand in time.
我免息透支消费了60000元,没有及时归还。 - He is remanded on his own recognizance of$4,000.
Substance misusers remanded to prison--a treatment opportunity?
Offenders remanded for a psychiatric examination: perceived treatability and disposition.
Self‐mutilation in female remanded prisoners: I. An indicator of severe psychopathology
Fire-setting, pyromania and self-mutilation in female remanded prisoners
Recorded psychiatric morbidity in a large prison for male remanded and sentenced prisoners
The validity of the SCL-90 in a sample of British men remanded to prison for psychiatric reports.
African-Caribbean men remanded to Brixton Prison. Psychiatric and forensic characteristics and outcome of final court appearance.
Self‐mutilation in female remanded prisoners II: A cluster analytic approach towards identification of a behavioural syndrome
Elderly offenders. A study of age-related factors among custodially remanded prisoners.
Psychiatric morbidity among women prisoners newly committed and amongst remanded and sentenced women in the Irish prison system