- The little ball that was repelled by the comb is attracted by the glass rod.
Convergent multiplicative processes repelled from zero: power laws and truncated power lawsImmune responses in HIV-exposed seronegatives: have they repelled the virus?Light valve target comprising electrostatically-repelled micro-mirrorsAttracted or repelled?--a matter of two neurons, one pheromone binding protein, and a chiral center.Recruitment near conspecific adults and the maintenance of tree and shrub diversity in a neotropical forestAnalysis of a diode with a ferroelectric cathodeResponse of Infective Stage Parasites (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) to Volatile Cues from Infected HostsAn Olfactory Sensory Map in the Fly BrainModels of the Small WorldHierarchical Organization of Guidance Receptors: Silencing of Netrin Attraction by Slit Through a Robo/DCC Receptor Complex