- Hight quality anastomosis and good venous return are crucial to the success of crushing fingertip replantation.
高质量的血管的吻合技术和良好的静脉血回流是保证再植成功的关键。 - Conclusions?Mutilated palms can be salvaged by heterotopic replantation and the functional result is good.
Successful replantation of a completely cut-off thumb
Replantation of 400 avulsed permanent incisors. 1. Diagnosis of healing complications
Results after replantation of avulsed permanent teeth. I. Endodontic considerations.
Replantation of 400 avulsed permanent incisors. 4. Factors related to periodontal ligament healing.
Growth-plate behavior in whole joint replantation in the rabbit.
Periodontal healing after replantation and autotransplantation of incisors in monkeys
The Choice of Indication and Inspiration about Replantation of Severed Finger
Effects of temperature, storage time and media on periodontal and pulpal healing after replantation of incisors in monkeys.
The effect of limited drying or removal of the periodontal ligament. Periodontal healing after replantation of mature permanent inci...