- Daniel pushed away from the car, to make room for13 the next rescuer.
丹尼尔用力使自己离开了汽车,给下一个救援者腾出地方。 - The second rescuer lowers the first rescuer and the victim to the ground.
The effect of rescuer fatigue on the quality of chest compressions.
Does active rescuer ventilation have a place during basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation?
Effect of rescuer fatigue on performance of continuous external chest compressions over 3 min
CPR and the single rescuer: at what age should you "call first"rather than "call fast"?
Rescuer fatigue during actual in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation with audiovisual feedback: A prospective multicenter study ☆
[Basic life support in adults by a single rescuer. International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation].
Lay rescuer automated external defibrillator ("public access defibrillation") programs: lessons learned from an international multic...
Attitudes of trained Swedish lay rescuers toward CPR performance in an emergency. A survey of 1012 recently trained CPR rescuers.
Assisted ventilation does not improve outcome in a porcine model of single-rescuer bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Optimizing chest compression to rescue ventilation ratios during one-rescuer CPR by professionals and lay persons: children are not ...