- Conclusions It is advisable to resect large hepatocellular carcinoma actively.
Resecting and grafting of coronary artery aneurysmAt Loose Ends: Resecting a Double-Strand BreakAdnAB: a new DSB-resecting motor-nuclease from mycobacteriaCognitive effects of resecting basal temporal language areas.The microsurgical nuances of resecting tuberculum sellae meningiomasEffectiveness of neuronavigation in resecting solitary intracerebral contrast-enhancing tumors: a randomized controlled trialElectromechanical driver device for use with anastomosing, stapling, and resecting instrumentsThe stem-cell zone of the small intestinal epithelium. IV. Effects of resecting 30% of the small intestineThe stem-cell zone of the small intestinal epithelium. IV. Effects of resecting 30% of the small intestine (p 93-103)माउस रिब Resecting के लिए एक शल्य प्रक्रिया: बड़े पैमाने पर लंबी हड्डी मरम्म...