A METHOD FOR PREPARING RESINATESIon exchange resinates - The technology behind the mysteryMolecular state of chlorpheniramine in resinatesCharacteristics and in vitro release of dextromethorphan resinatesSolution viscosity increase in fusion synthesis of Ca/Mg‐resinates[The utilization of metal resinates as a source of carbon by Flavobacterium resinovorum Delaporte and Daste]Preparation and in vitro release of dual-drug resinates containing equivalent content dextromethorphan and diphenhydramine.Formulation and Optimization of Sustained Release Tablets of Venlafaxine Resinates Using Response Surface MethodologyComparison of Dissolution Profiles for Sustained Release Resinates of BCS Class I Drugs Using USP Apparatus 2 and 4: A Technical NoteDrug-polymer combinations. Part 2: Evaluation of some mathematic approaches to drug release from resinates