Process for pre-resinating cellulose fibers for cellulose composite structuresDoes resinating make the fertility of the soil decrease ?Process for pre-resinating cellulose fibers for cellulose composite structures: Mtangi, S.A. and Fishman, D.H. (United Technologies ...RESIN-ATING DEVELOPMENTSComparación de dos métodos de resinación en Pinus oocarpa, P. montezumae y P. pseudostrobus, cuenca río Chixoy, Guatemala.Actas.Method of preparing an exfoliated vermiculite for the manufacture of finished productApparatus for laying a matt of fibrous materialSurface treatment techniques for resin composite repair.Resin-to-Resin Acyl- and Aminoacyl-Transfer Reactions Using Oxime SupportsSuppressors of cancer cell proliferation from fig (Ficus carica) resin: isolation and structure elucidation