Do flowers resorb nectar?Isolated osteoclasts resorb the organic and inorganic components of bone.Polymethylmethacrylate-induced inflammatory macrophages resorb boneFailure of cells of the mononuclear phagocyte series to resorb boneCells of the mononuclear phagocytic system resorb implanted bone matrix: A histologic and ultrastructural studyRequirement of pp60c-src expression for osteoclasts to form ruffled borders and resorb bone in mice.5-Lipoxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid stimulate isolated osteoclasts to resorb calcified matrices.During Aging, Men Lose Less Bone Than Women Because They Gain More Periosteal Bone, Not Because They Resorb Less Endosteal BoneDichloromethylenebisphosphonate (Cl 2 MBP) inhibits bone resorption through injury to osteoclasts that resorb Cl 2 MBP-coated boneDichloromethylene bisphosphonate (C12MBP) inhibits bone resorption through injury to osteoclasts that resorb CL2MBP- coated bone. Bo...