- Most will go to Bagdad to help Iraqi forces.
新增部队大部分将要到巴格达去协助伊拉克武装。 - The caliph of Bagdad flied on his magic carpet to Arabia.
Florenz und Bagdad : eine westöstliche Geschichte des BlicksThe Bagdad Reflection Sequence as tabular mafic intrusions: Evidence from seismic modeling of mapped exposuresU.N. Unit Monitoring Iraq Is Short of Funds: Warns Bagdad Still Hides WeaponsA Re-Os study on sulfide minerals from Bagdad porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, northern Arizon, USAA Re–Os study of sulfide minerals from the Bagdad porphyry Cu–Mo deposit, northern Arizona, USAOriental sore in Bagdad, together with observations on a gregarine in Stegomyia fasciata, the haemogregarine of dogs and the flagell...Greek Thought, Arabic Culture. The Graeco-Arabic Translation Movement in Bagdad and Early 'Abbāsid SocietySeismic identification of basement reflectors: The Bagdad Reflection Sequence in the Basin and Range Province—Colorado Plateau...Cambiarán la capital de los premios nobeles de Estocolmo, las nominadas son Damasco, Cisjordania, Bagdad y TrípoliThe acquisition of imported technology for industrial development: Problems of strategies and management in Arab Region, Bagdad