Improving retention rate and response quality in Web-based surveys ☆Retention rate of levetiracetam in children with intractable epilepsy at 1 year.How "Good"Is Your Institution's Retention Rate?Retention rate in cows and heifers of intravaginal silastic coils impregnated with progesteroneRetention rate and illicit opioid use during methadone maintenance interventions: a meta-analysis.Efficacy and retention rate of two types of silicone punctal plugs in patients with and without Sjögren syndromeRetention rate and substance use in methadone and buprenorphine maintenance therapy and predictors of outcome: results from a random...HIV incidence, retention rate, and baseline predictors of HIV incidence and retention in a prospective cohort study of injection dru...C-reactive protein predicts tumor necrosis factor-alpha blocker retention rate in axial ankylosing spondylitisEvaluation of Injectable Fluorescent Tags for Marking Centrarchid Fishes: Retention Rate and Effects on Vulnerability to Predation