Fine structure of the retinulae in the compound eye of the honey-beeThe retina of Manduca sexta: rhodopsin expression, the mosaic of green-, blue- and UV-sensitive photoreceptors, and regional special...Twisted and non-twisted rhabdoms and their significance for polarization detection in the beeExtracellular shedding of photoreceptor membrane in the open rhabdom of a tipulid flyFine structure of the light receptors in the compound eyes of insects.Properties of intact photoreceptor cells lacking synapsesAnisotropic imaging in the dragonfly median ocellus: a matched filter for horizon detectionSpecialized ommatidia for polarization vision in the compound eye of cockchafers, Melolontha melolontha (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)The structure and development of four mutant eyes in DrosophilaOcellar system of the swallowtail butterfly larva : I. Structure of the lateral ocelli