- In its absence China would retrogress into division and chaos, and modernization would become impossible.
Retrogressed eclogite (20kbar, 1020°C) from the Neoproterozoic Palghat–Cauvery suture zone, southern India
Hydrogen embrittlement of aged and retrogressed-reaged AlLiCuMg alloys
Fluid characteristics of retrogressed eclogites and mafic granulites from the Cambrian Gondwana suture zone in southern India
Pressure–temperature evolution of retrogressed kyanite eclogites, Weinschenk Island, North–East Greenland Caledonides
Differential scanning calorimetry evaluation of retrogressed and re-aged microstructures in aluminum alloy 7075
40Ar/39Ar mineral dates from retrogressed eclogites within the Baltoscandian miogeocline: Implications for a polyphase Caledonian or...
Field recognition of rocks totally retrogressed from granulite facies: an example from Archaean rocks in the Paamiut region, South-W...
The oxygen-isotopic composition of granulites and retrogressed granulites from the Limpopo Belt as a monitor of fluid-rock interaction
Petrological characterization and tectonic significance of retrogressed garnet peridotites, Raobazhai area, North Dabie Complex, eas...
Formation of saline brines and salt in the lower crust by hydration reactions in partially retrogressed granulites from the Lofoten ...