- Otherwise the relations will be undermined, stagnant or even retrogressive.
不然关系就会受损、停滞甚至倒退。 - This is what we mean by the retrogressive nature of Japan's war.
Retrogressive slope failures at Beaver Creek, south of Saskatoon, Sask...
Retrogressive metamorphic processes in shear zones with special reference to the Lewisian complex
Reaction enhanced permeability during retrogressive metamorphism
Humboldt Slide - a large shear-dominated retrogressive slope failure
Increasing rates of retrogressive thaw slump activity in the Mackenzie Delta region, N.W.T., Canada
Ontogenetic adaptations and retrogressive processes in the development of the nervous system and behavior
Fifty years of coastal erosion and retrogressive thaw slump activity on Herschel Island, southern Beaufort Sea, Yukon Territory, Can...
The last phase of the Storegga Slide: simulation of retrogressive slide dynamics and comparison with slide-scar morphology
Relative impacts of disturbance and temperature: persistent changes in microenvironment and vegetation in retrogressive thaw slumps
Climatic and geomorphic factors affecting contemporary (1950–2004) activity of retrogressive thaw slumps on the Aklavik Platea...