[Persistence of the ductus cuvieri and venae revehentes hepatis].DUCTUS VENOSUS EMBRYOLOGY AND FUNCTION - REVIEW OF LITERATUREÜber ein neurofibromatöses Hamartoblastom der LeberEin Fall von Situs viscerum inversus partialis, Verdoppelung des Ductus venosus Arantii und Dystopie des linken HerzohresThe Vascularization of the Kidneys in Bufo bufo (L.), Bombina variegata (L.), Rana ridibunda (L.) and Xenopus laevis (D.) (Amphibia,...Recent advances in metal carcinogenesis.The Ode Active Database: Trigger Semantics and ImplementationDieta e dispersão de sementes por Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus) (Carnívora, Canidae), em um fragmento florestal no Paraná, BrasilBremsstrahlung and line spectroscopy of warm dense aluminum plasma heated by xuv free-electron-laser radiation.Coarse graining and first order phase transitions