- The house has been completely rewired.
这所房子已全部换上了新电线。 - We had to rewire the building, re-plumb it.
Helping Video Games Rewire "Our Minds"
Rewire: Digital Cosmopolitans in the Age of Connection, by Ethan Zuckerman
Herpesvirus-encoded GPCRs rewire cellular signaling
REWIRE: An optimization-based framework for unstructured data center network design
Method and apparatus to rewire the brain with finger movements
(+)RNA viruses rewire cellular pathways to build replication organelles
ReWiRe: Creating Interactive Pervasive Systems that cope with Changing Environments by Rewiring
Ligand-binding dynamics rewire cellular signaling via Estrogen Receptor-α
Bacterial Virulence Proteins as Tools to Rewire Kinase Pathways in Yeast and Immune Cells
Polyploid cells rewire DNA damage response networks to overcome replication stress-induced barriers for tumour progression