Now, where did all the Rhatanies go? Abundance, seed ecology, and regeneration of Krameria lappacea from the Peruvian AndesNow, where did all the Rhatanies go? Abundance, seed ecology, and regeneration of Krameria lappacea from the Peruvian AndesLinear Smoothers and Additive ModelsAre Insider Trades Informative?Atmospheric chemistry and distribution of formaldehyde and several multioxygenated carbonyl compounds during the 1995 Nashville/Midd...A Study of an Intense Density Front in the Eastern Alboran Sea: The Almeria-Oran FrontAlternative theories of sharecropping: Some tests using evidence from northeast IndiaWar and Peace: The Evolution of Modern Personnel Administration in U.S. IndustryModification of the fatty acid composition of dietary oils and fats on incorporation into chylomicrons and chylomicron remnants.Neuromodulation of the crab pyloric central pattern generator by serotonergic/cholinergic proprioceptive afferents