BAX and BAK regulation of endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+: a control point for apoptosis.
Structure of Bcl-xL-Bak Peptide Complex: Recognition Between Regulators of Apoptosis
Proapoptotic BAX and BAK: a requisite gateway to mitochondrial dysfunction and death.
Proapoptotic Bak is sequestered by Mcl-1 and Bcl-xL, but not Bcl-2, until displaced by BH3-only proteins.
tBID, a membrane-targeted death ligand, oligomerizes BAK to release cytochrome c
Apoptosis Initiated When BH3 Ligands Engage Multiple Bcl-2 Homologs, Not Bax or Bak
BCL-2, BCL-XL Sequester BH3 Domain-Only Molecules Preventing BAX- and BAK-Mediated Mitochondrial Apoptosis
The Combined Functions of Proapoptotic Bcl-2 Family Members Bak and Bax Are Essential for Normal Development of Multiple Tissues
The BH3 mimetic ABT-737 targets selective Bcl-2 proteins and efficiently induces apoptosis via Bak/Bax if Mcl-1 is neutralized.
BH3-only proteins that bind pro-survival Bcl-2 family members fail to induce apoptosis in the absence of Bax and Bak.