The first fossil ribbonfish (Teleostei, Lampridiformes, Trachipteridae)Food and feeding habits of ribbonfish Trichiurus lepturus in coastal waters of south-western TaiwanFirst record of Polka-dot ribbonfish Desmodema polystictum (Pisces: Trachipteridae) from Indian watersDigenetic trematodes of ribbonfish, Trichiurus haumela (Forskal) and their distribution in the fishing grounds of China SeasOccurrence of the scalloped ribbonfish Zu cristatus(Lampridiformes) in coastal waters of the central Tyrrhenian Sea, ItalyOCCURRENCE OF EARLY JUVENILES OF THE RIBBONFISH, TRICHIURUS LEPTURUS LINN. IN THE KAKINADA AREA WITH NOTES ON THEIR FOODFeeding preference of adult females of ribbonfish Trichiurus lepturus through prey proximate-composition and caloric valuesThe effect of curdlan on the rheological properties of restructured ribbonfish ( Trichiurus spp.) meat gelEffect of Ice Storage on the Physicochemical and Dynamic Viscoelastic Properties of Ribbonfish (Trichiurus spp) MeatReproductive biology, trophodynamics and stock structure of ribbonfish Trichiurus lepturus from northern Arabian Sea and northern Ba...