- The belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.
这个信念就是:人的权利并非来自国家的慷慨,而是来自上帝恩赐。 - Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have been called the inalienable rights of man.
Rights of Man
Rights of Man
Rights Of Man
Excerpts from Thomas Paine's "Rights of Man: Being an Answer to Mr. Burke's Attack on the French Revolution"(1791)
Observations on The appeal from the new to the old Whigs, and on Mr. Paine's Rights of Man : in two parts
The Rights of Man Part Second To M. de la Fayette
Burke, Paine, and the Rights of Man
A Brief Inquiry Into the Natural Rights of Man
Who Is the Subject of the Rights of Man?
Only Paradoxes to Offer: French Feminists and the Rights of Man
Only Paradoxes to Offer: French Feminists and the Rights of Man. By Joan Wallach Scott. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 199...
A vindication of the rights of men, in a letter to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke : occasioned by his reflections on the revoluti...
The rights of man and natural law