Vandals Ringbark Native TreesC-36 マレーシア・サバでユーカリを加害する"Ring bark borer"について(行動学)ROOT FORMATION IN CUTTINGS OF APPLE (cv. BRAMLEY'S SEEDLING) IN RELATION TO RINGBARKING AND TO ETIOLATIONAn exploration of ringbarking to reduce the severity of armillaria roo...Datoriserad och manuell gallring bör kombineras i skog med koordinatsatta trädHur påverkar naturvårdsåtgärder mängden av vedlevande insekter : Manuellt dödade träd vs sjä...Social ethology of the whiptail wallaby, Macropus ...Mid-trimester hypertonic saline-induced abortion: Effect of indomethacin on induction/abortion timePorcupines, Fires and the Dynamics of the Tree Layer of the Burkea Africana SavannaMayagarthi : Poems and Stories