p300/CREB-binding protein enhances the prolactin-mediated transriptional induction through direct interaction with the transactivati...RNA viruses promote activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome through a RIP1-RIP3-DRP1 signaling pathway.The receptor interacting protein (RIP1) inhibits p53 induction through NF-κB activation and confers a worse prognosis in glioblastomaInterferon Regulatory Factor 7 Is Activated by a Viral Oncoprotein through RIP-Dependent UbiquitinationThe holographic induced gravity model with a Ricci dark energy: smoothing the little rip and big rip through Gauss-Bonnet effects?M. tuberculosis intramembrane protease Rip1 controls transcription through three anti-sigma factor substrates.TNFα induced noncanonical NF-κB activation is attenuated by RIP1 through stabilization of TRAF2Pharmacological postconditioning effect of muramyl dipeptide is mediated through RIP2 and TAK1Rip1 enhances methylmercury toxicity through production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in budding yeastCathepsins limit macrophage necroptosis through cleavage of Rip1 kinase.