- One of leading families has show a rivalrous attitudes the others.
Rivalrous Telecommunications Networks With and Without Mandatory SharingSTRATEGIC GROUPS AND RIVALROUS FIRM BEHAVIOR: TOWARDS A RECONCILIATIONTouch disambiguates rivalrous perception at early stages of visual analysisTouch disambiguates rivalrous perception at early stages of visual analysis.Adding Rivalrous Hardware Scheduling to the First Generation FREEDM Systems Communication PlatformNetwork Radio Oligopoly, 1926-1956: Rivalrous Imitation and Program DiversityThe relationship between apparent depth and disparity in rivalrous-texture stereograms.Beta oscillations correlate with the probability of perceiving rivalrous visual stimuli.Mechanisms selectively engaged in rivalry: normal vision habituates, rivalrous vision primes.Polyol synthesis of silver nanoplates: The crystal growth mechanism based on a rivalrous adsorption