Heavy metals distribution in agricultural topsoils in urban areaAssessing heavy metal contamination in soils of the Zagreb region (Northwest Croatia) using multivariate geostatistics.Mulching decreases nitrate leaching in bell pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.) cultivationMigration along orthodromic sun compass routes by arctic birds.OH Clusters with Homodromic Circular Arrangement of Hydrogen BondsDifferentiation of atypical atrioventricular node re-entrant tachycardia from orthodromic reciprocating tachycardia using a septal a...The Isomonodromic Deformation Method in the Theory of Painlevé EquationsThe Isomonodromic Deformation Method in the Theory of Painlevé EquationsRhodope and Vardar: the metamorphic and the olistostromic paired belts related to the Cretaceous subduction under EuropeOH Clusters with Homodromic Circular Arrangement of Hydrogen Bonds