- Rontgen's discovery was a stone with its waves.
伦琴的发现,一石激起千层浪。 - Rontgen went on to try to find out more about these strange invisible rays.
Rontgenuntersuchung GelosterFadenmolekuleRontgenbilder einer seltenen KnochenerkrankungRontgenologische Differentialdiagnose Der Knochenerkrankungen.RONTGENOGRAPHY OF THE BRAIN AFTER THE INJECTION OF AIR INTO THE SPINAL CANALWilhelm conrad rontgen and the early history of the roentgen rays /Radiotherapy in vertebral hemangioma]. RontgenpraxisGrenzen des normalen und anfange des pathologischen im rontgenbilde /The Movements of the Intestines studied by Means of the Rontgen Rays.The Velocity of the Secondary Cathode Particles Ejected by the Characteristic Rontgen RaysDemonstration eines Cancroid des rechten Handruckens, das sich nach langdauernder Einwirkung von Rontgenstrahlen entwickelt hatte