- Eyes undergoing ECP were treated to achiee the desired tissue effect, which was whitening and shrinking of the ciliary processes.
Vital tooth whitening
Stress-whitening in high-impact polystyrenes
Use of prewhitening in climate regime shift detection
Robust whitening procedure in blind source separation context
Topical delivery system for antiaging and skin whitening agents
In vitro effectiveness of several whitening cosmetic components in human melanocytes
Hydrogen peroxide tooth-whitening (bleaching) products: Review of adverse effects and safety issues
Kojic Acid, a Cosmetic Skin Whitening Agent, is a Slow‐binding Inhibitor of Catecholase Activity of Tyrosinase
Digital Whitening Techniques for Improving Spread Spectrum Communications Performance in the Presence of Narrowband Jamming and Inte...
Negative evidences and co-occurences in image retrieval: the benefit of PCA and whitening