- I was a rookie in my office last year.
去年我在办公室里还是新手一名。 - These rookie cops don't know anything yet.
Fear of Trying: The Plight of Rookie Project Managers
From rookie to all-star:professional development in a graphic design social networking site
The transition from rookie to genuine nurse: narratives from Swedish nurses 1 year after graduation.
Grossman Era about to Dawn How Rookie Will Stack Up with This Year's Class Is Anybody's Guess
Incidence of cervical spinal stenosis in professional and rookie football players
What a difference a "Mentally Toughening"year makes: the acculturation of a rookie.
Dairy of a rookie : in his installment, MF contributor and Detroit lion first-year lineman Shaun Cody, star of spike tv's Super Agen...
Angling for Success; Rams Rookie Punter Johnny Hekker Is off to an Excellent Start in the NFL and Set a Team Record with His Work La...
Entry into Elite Sport: A Preliminary Investigation into the Transition Experiences of Rookie Athletes
Performing under pressure: gaze control, decision making and shooting performance of elite and rookie police officers.