- The process of applying and rubbing in an ointment.
Analysis of the transcriptional unit encoding the genes for rubredoxin (rub) and a putative rubredoxin oxidoreductase (rbo) in Desul...
Better compliance and better tolerance in relation to a well-conducted introduction to rub-in hand disinfection.
Introduction of a waterless alcohol-based hand rub in a long-term-care facility.
Thermally induced vibrations due to rub in real rotors
Better compliance and better tolerance in relation to a well-conducted introduction to rub-in hand disinfection.
Influence of rub-in technique on required application time and hand coverage in hygienic hand disinfection
Introduction of a Waterless Alcohol-based Hand Rub in a Long-term Care Facility
Experiment on the characteristics of torsional vibration of rotor-to-stator rub in turbomachinery
Full Annular RUB in Mechanical Seals, Part I: Experimental Results
Effect of Correctly Using Alcohol-Based Hand Rub in a Clinical Setting