Bridging Studies in Pharmaceutical Safety AssessmentGay Affirmative Practice: Clinical Social Workers’ PerspectivesKnock-on sweep structure and tools thereforThe combination of insulin-like growth factor I and insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 reduces insulin requirements in ins...Key role of the p110delta isoform of PI3K in B-cell antigen and IL-4 receptor signaling: comparative analysis of genetic and pharmac...Key role of the p110δ isoform of PI3K in B-cell antigen and IL-4 receptor signaling: comparative analysis of genetic and pharmacolo...FK spaces in which the sequence of coordinate vectors is boundedPharmacological profiles of peptide drug candidates for the treatment of Alzheimer's diseaseLaparoscopic treatment of a stone-filled, caliceal diverticulum: a definitive, minimally invasive therapeutic optionSingle-dose, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of ACE-011 (ActRIIA-IgG1) in postmenopausal women