- That ruffian is capable of any crime.
那个恶棍什么勾当都做得出来。 - The mere thought of the ruffian made her shudder.
Upton Hays
Presupuestos del Ministerio de Trabajo, una garantía de futuro
'The Free Sons of the North' versus 'The Myrmidons of Border-Ruffianism'
Dirty Whites: "Ruffian-Writing"in Colonial West Africa
“A Straight Left against a Slogging Ruffian”: National Boxing Styles in the Years Preceding the First World War
Ruffian on the stair
The Ruffian on the Stair
Billy Ruffian : the Bellerophon and the downfall of Napoleon : the biography of a ship of the line, 1782-1836
Charles Dickens and ‘The Ruffian’
2017 CVM News: Ducharme named next Chief Medical Officer at Cornell Ruffian Equine Specialists after Nixon completes term