O水准精进你的词汇 GCE O Level Ace Your Vocabulary词汇表

O水准精进你的词汇 GCE O Level Ace Your Vocabulary词汇表
mantra guru khaki kowtow gung ho hoi polloi diaspora tsar gulag kitsch doppelganger zeitgeist wunderkind spiel Schadenfreude pilsner lager kaput frankfurter blitz tour de force savoir faire sangfroid porter laissez-faire joie de vivre haute couture faux pas fait accompli spirit du jour derriere de rigueur deja vu decolletage boudoir bete noire quartet sotto voce imbroglio glissando finale forte ditto sonata gelato barista mezzanine fresco fiasco primo prima donna diva UNO lingua franca dolce vita al dente summa cum laude status quo quid pro quo pro rata pro bono prima facie non sequitur modus operandi in situ hubris gravitas ex gratia ergo de facto caveat emptor circa carpe diem bona fide ad infinitum ad hoc admonition remembrance nostalgia reminiscence fish story allegory synopsis vignette climax setting plot protagonist antagonist classic chronicle saga anecdote fable legend cupboard puppy love head over heels pedestal affection old flame hanky-panky tryst fling rendezvous chivalry embrace pine amorous ardent woo courtship romance green light green-eyed monster horn in black and white black-tie white elephant white lie white flag pick tickle pink elephants out of the blue blue-eyed boy blue blood blues grey matter grey area red tape red herring treatment red carpet paint the town red finishing line foul commit interval championship tournament victory defeat disqualify penalty defend tactic strategy tackle coach umpire referee spectator professional amateur medallist environmentally friendly energy conservation carbon footprint global warming greenhouse effect acid rain ozone layer renewable resources biodegradable ecosystem sustainable biodiversity deforestation pollution erratic carcinogenic endanger contaminate condense evaporate rear black box destination stowaway descend ascend fuel altimeter altitude engine propeller wing runway turbulence hijack aerial cockpit steward pilot encore duet solo prodigy virtuoso maestro chorister orchestra recital cantata rhapsody symphony ensemble soprano alto tenor baritone rhythmic tempo lyric commando paratroop prisoner of war bayonet calvary garrison conscript artillery sentry barrack scout infantry squad squadron platoon recruit mercenary troop petrify odious hair-raising abominable sinister bloodcurdling spooky repugnant macabre morbid horrendous grotesque gross grisly ghastly hideous