An Anti-Sadducee Polemic in the Palestinian Targum TraditionThe Tale of the Sadducee and the Incense in b. "Yoma"— the Metamorphosis of a Text and Commentary / מעשה הצדוקי והקט...The Tale of the Sadducee and the Incense in b. Yoma - Textual Development and Commentary, Sidra 29 (2014), 79-94 (Heb.)Sadducee and Pharisee - the origin and significance of the namesThe Modern SadduceeSadducee positions on halakhic issues: - TitleThe Karaites' Sadducee DilemmaEpicureanism and sadduceeism within the sephardic community in amsterdam during the 1st-half of the 17th-century“sadducee And Pharisee: The Original Significance Of The Names,”The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation (review)