sadomasochistsadomasochistThe sadomasochist in the closetThe time of the sadomasochist: Hunting with(in) the ‘tribus’Sadomasochist role-playing as live-action role-playing: A trait-descriptive analysisThe Sadomasochist in the Closet: White Masculinity and the Culture of VictimizationCinema, Spectacle, and the Unmaking of Sadomasochist AestheticsHow to bring your kids up sadomasochist: Intimate-partner violence and the Twilight phenomenon‘Image Management in a Bondage, Discipline, Sadomasochist Subculture: A Cyber-Ethnographic Study.’BETRAYED.. BY MY KINKY LATEX LOVE; EXCLUSIVE Murder Bid Hero Lifts the Lid on Bizarre World of a Sadomasochist Wife I Stopped Evil E...