Study on infection rate of HIV/SYPHILIS among men who have sex with men in a balnearyRomanian balneary tourism prospects in the context of services globalization.Balneary resort - importance of natural therapeutic factors research.Diversification of Hydro Tourism Supply and Balneary Treatments on Romanian SeasideSpeleotherapy and balneary tourism in Salina Turda Congresul National de Balneologie / National Congress of Balneology, 4-7 Mai 2017...ANALYSIS OF HYPERSALINE WATERS FROM COJOCNA BALNEARY RESORTS (ROMANIA) USING RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY TECHNIQUESThe reconfiguration of the patrimonial elements of the balneary enclaves of Galicia as a betting for cultural tourismTHE ROLE OF MARKETING RESEARCH IN PROMOTING A BALNEARY DESTINATION CASE STUDY: BAILE GOVORACoordinates Of Developing The Balneary TourismSTRATEGIES TO RECOVER FROM BRONCHIAL ASTHMA USING BALNEARY CURES