SaggerSaggerSaggerSagger constructionPROGRESS REPORT ON INVESTIGATION OF SAGGER CLAYS ‐SOME OBSERVATIONS AS TO THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THEIR THERMAL EXPANSIONS.—IIIII. PROGRESS REPORT ON INVESTIGATION OF SAGGER CLAYS: THEIR ELASTICITY AND TRANSVERSE STRENGTH AT SEVERAL TEMPERATURESNOTES ON SAGGER CLAYS AND MIXTURESApproach to the Ageing Mechanism of the “Mullite Cordierite” SaggerDevice for the sagger-less burning of crockeryCOMPUTER SIMULATION FOB HEAT TRANSFER IN CERAMIC SAGGERMalonyl-CoA metabolism in cardiac myocytes and its relevance to the control of fatty acid oxidation. Biochem JCarnitine palmitoyltransferase and carnitine octanoyltransferase activities in liver, kidney cortex, adipocyte, lactating mammary g...Effects of fasting, adrenalectomy and streptozotocin-diabetes on sensitivity of hepatic carnitine acyltransferase to malonyl CoA