- In a time-lapse film, a Saguaro grove would seem to creep across the desertscape like a pool of mercury.
SaguarosSAGUAROSSaguarosHow Many SaguarosAll about saguarosA New View of SaguarosSaguaros under siege: Invasive species and fireCrested Saguaros: What is the Rhyme or Reason?Saguaros and their nurses in the Sonoran Desert: a reviewSaguaros and nurse trees: a new hypothesis to account for population fluctuations.Revisiting Bergmann's rule for saguaros (Carnegiea gigantea (Engelm.) Britt. and Rose): stem diameter patterns over spaceSaguaro-nurse tree associations in the Sonoran Desert: competitive effects of saguarosCompetition between European Starlings and Native Woodpeckers for Nest Cavities in Saguaros