- The shop usually employs additional salespeople for the Christmas toy trade.
How industrial salespeople gain customer trust
Learning and performance orientation of salespeople: The role of supervisors.
Measuring Dimensions of Purchaser Trust of Industrial Salespeople
The SOCO Scale: A Measure of the Customer Orientation of Salespeople
Antecedents and Consequences of Merit Pay Fairness for Industrial Salespeople
Smarter versus Harder: An Exploratory Attributional Analysis of Salespeople's Motivation
Supervisory feedback: Alternative types and their impact on salespeople's performance and satisfaction.
Drivers of sales performance: a contemporary meta-analysis. Have salespeople become knowledge brokers?
Prosocial Behavior, Noncompliant Behavior, and Work Performance Among Commission Salespeople
A Longitudinal Assessment of the Impact of Selected Organizational Influences on Salespeople's Organizational Commitment during Earl...