Lucy Sallis萨利斯
Edward Sallis萨利斯
J Sallis标签
Zoe Sallis佐伊·萨利斯
Iain Sallis伊恩·萨利斯
Sallis J名称
James Sallis 萨利斯 ; 萨里斯
Charles Sallis萨里斯
Peter Sallis 彼得·萨利斯 ; 彼得沙利斯 ; 由彼得沙利斯
AGE-RELATED DECLINE IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY 1106Measuring Physical Activity and Energy ExpenditureClustering of Sedentary Behaviours and Physical Activity Among Youth: A Cross-National Study673 ETHNIC, SOCIOECONOMIC, AND SEX DIFFERENCES IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY OF ADOLESCENTS.21 EVALUATION OF PATIENT PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AFTER COUNSELING BY PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS.International Physical Activity Questionnaire: 12-country Reliability and ValidityCompendium of physical activities: classification of energy costs of human physical activities.International physical activity questionaire: 12-country reliability and validityA review of correlates of physical activity of children and adolescents.Using objective physical activity measures with youth: How many days of monitoring are needed?