Hydrosalpinx reduces in vitro fertilization–embryo transfer ratesHydrosalpinx and IVF: assessment of treatments implemented prior to IVF.Why does hydrosalpinx reduce fertility? The importance of hydrosalpinx fluid.Adverse effects of hydrosalpinx fluid on sperm motility and survival.Hydrosalpinx fluid has embryotoxic effects on murine embryogenesis: a case for prophylactic salpingectomy.Hydrosalpinx and IVF outcome: a prospective, randomized multicentre trial in Scandinavia on salpingectomy prior to IVFThe impact of hydrosalpinx on successful pregnancy in tubal factor infertility treated by in vitro fertilizationSalpingectomy increases peri-implantation endometrial HOXA10 expression in women with hydrosalpinx.Is there a relationship between oxidative stress and the embryotoxicity of hydrosalpinx fluid on mouse embryo development?Clear cell papillary cystadenoma of the epididymis and mesosalpinx: immunohistochemical differentiation from metastatic clear cell r...