RebuttalGuidelines for the pharmacological treatment of peripheral neuropathic pain: expert panel recommendations for the middle East region.Validation and Enhancement of the Clinicopathological Melanoma Nomogram via Incorporation of a Molecular Marker in the Primary TumorIdentificación de estresores laborales y burnout en docentes de una secundaria para trabajadores del Distrito FederalS102 Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy and shockwave lithotripsy in the treatment of staghorn kidney lithiasisVIEWPOINTS OF MATHEMATICS TEACHERS TO THE TECHNOLOGYThe fear of victimization and its relationship with mass mediaFactors controlling enrichment of vanadium and nickel in the bitumen of organic sedimentary rocksCondensation of the forespore nucleoid early in sporulation of Bacillus species.Uveal melanoma cell staining for CD34 and assessment of tumor vascularity.