Postnatally acquired cytomegalovirus infection via breast milk: effects on hearing and development in preterm infantsInduction of mdr1b mRNA and P‐glycoprotein expression by tumor necrosis factor alpha in primary rat hepatocyte culturesChloroquine activates the p53 pathway and induces apoptosis in human glioma cellsModulation of P-glycoprotein and mdr1b mRNA expression by growth factors in primary rat hepatocyte culture.Molecular cDNA cloning and tissue distribution of mRNA encoding a novel ATP-binding cassette (ABC) half-transporterTyrosine kinase activity of insulin receptors from human placenta. Effects of autophosphorylation and cyclic AMP-dependent protein k...Mutationsanalyse des Connexin26-Gens bei sporadischen Fällen mittel- bis hochgradiger SchwerhörigkeitA numerical study of the Navier-Stokes transport coefficients for 2D granular hydrodynamicsSpontane transtubare Otoliquorrhoe bei Laterobasisdefekt mit HirnprolapsSubcellular localization of rat Abca5, a rat ATP-binding-cassette transporter expressed in Leydig cells, and characterization of its...