SanctificationAnalyzing data: Sanctification or detective work?Religion and the Sanctification of Family RelationshipsSanctification of Parenting, Moral Socialization, and Young Children's Conscience DevelopmentTHEORY: "Sacred Matters: Sanctification as a Vital Topic for the Psychology of Religion"Tukey, J.W.: Analyzing data: Sanctification or detective work? Am. Psychol. 24, 83-91Teaching sanctification by faith: a qualitative study on the impact of a grace-centered discipleship classRESEARCH: "A Higher Purpose: The Sanctification of Strivings in a Community Sample"The Sanctification of Nature and Theological Conservatism: A Study of Opposing Religious Correlates of EnvironmentalismRESEARCH: "At the Crossroads of Sexuality and Spirituality: The Sanctification of Sex by College Students"