Consumer perception of sandiness in dulce de lecheSandiness Prevention in Dulce de Leche by Seeding with Lactose MicrocrystalsImproving sandiness of beef tallow-based shortening by interesterificationAn explanation for reduced incidence of sandiness.Margarine fat blend with a reduced tendency to sandinessCause Analysis of Sandiness in Beef Tallow-Based Shortening(Ⅰ)——Composition and Crystal TypeMARGARINE FAT BLEND WITH A REDUCED TENDENCY TO SANDINESS AND A PROCESS FOR REDUCING THE DEVELOPMENT OF SANDINESS IN FAT BLENDSLactose Crystallization in Ice Cream. IV. Factors Responsible for Reduced Incidence of SandinessLactose Crystallization in Ice Cream. III. Mode of Action of Milk Powder in Preventing SandinessChaotic characters of dynamic system of the Yellow River basin from sandiness time series:an integrative research attempt to geograp...