Regional Specialization of Sarcodes sanguinea (Ericaceae) on a Single Fungal Symbiont from the Rhizopogon ellenae (Rhizopogonaceae) ...ULTRASTRUCTURE OF PTEROSPORA ANDROMEDEA NUTTALL AND SARCODES SANGUINEA TORREY MYCORRHIZASMycobiont overlap between two mycoheterotrophic genera of Monotropoideae (Pterospora andromedea and Sarcodes sanguinea) found in the...Mycorrhizal symbiosis of Sarcodes sanguineaOn Sarcodes sanguinea, Torr.SOME DETAILS OF THE REPRODUCTIVE STRUCTURES OF SARCODESOncidium sarcodes x Oncidium Aloha 'Iwanaga': nova opção de híbrido de OncidiumHigh root concentration and uneven ectomycorrhizal diversity near Sarcodes sanguinea (Ericaceae): a cheater that stimulates its vict...Essai de traitement des sarcoïdes du cheval: par injections intra-tumorales de bléomycine (DCI)Contribution à l'étude des sarcoïdes de la peau